Today, I opened an email that took my breath away. Literally.
My daily routine (is yours similar?) is to casually stroll through my phone as I start my day. Facebook – check. A few rounds losing at Candy Crush – check. Yahoo email – nothing here, – check. Daily calendar – check. Business email (cowgirlheartandsoul@yahoo.com) – HOLD ON A MINUTE! WHAAAT???? After a year of submitting my application, I have finally received email confirmation that my business name, COWGIRL HEART, has been approved by the UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE. (Queue the fireworks!)
COWGIRL HEART is my business, my passion, and my purpose. The timing of this notice is the icing on the cake; like planting the American flag on the moon (in my mind!). I have just relocated to a new home in a new state. Starting over. All for the better, but what a lot of physical and emotional work. And, happy is a feeling that has been hard for me to reach in the past couple of years.
The email from the United States Patent and Trademark Office signifies and confirms my mission, forever in my heart. As stated in the Declaration of Independence: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by the Creator with certain, unalienable Rights, that among those are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.”
My eyes watered at the sight of this long-awaited email, and I had an “ah-ha” moment (you ever get one of those?). All of this hard work with my transition in life has been totally worth it. The trademark confirmation of my name, COWGIRL HEART, is my green light to continue working on my dream. Now I understand my emotional reaction to reading the email; I’ve made it through the dark tunnel of the past several years. I’m a warrior and I survived the journey. I’m in a better place. And I’m definitely happy!