Life can be hard! We are only human. We experience ups and downs. I wish I could be more accepting of my frailty in this area and sometimes am so hard on myself if everything isn’t going my way. Like the lulls in life. The slow parts of the journey.
A dear friend of mine once gave me some great “life advice”. She told me to always have something to look forward to.
She would matter-of-factly ask “so, what are you looking forward to this week?” and then we would both discuss things that were in line for future happiness. Even if the day had started out negatively, the conversations always ended on a high note, along with anticipation of the future. I now ask this question to people who I sense are feeling down; then we talk.
I discovered for me, my “something to look forward to” doesn’t need to be a big thing like a vacation or event far into the future. Small things make me happy, like remembering that I’ve bought a new eyeliner or perhaps something to wear. I became happy and excited when I “remember” what I had put into place for myself. Recently, I was getting dressed for a networking meeting and suddenly remembered that I had new sandals to wear (I usually only wear cowboy boots, so this was different!). Whoo-hoo! You’d think I hit the lottery!
It doesn’t have to be about spending money (and in many cases, isn’t about that). A facetime video call from one of my daughters that lets me feel closer to them and my grandchildren. Ride your horse. Plan a trip to the local Farmer’s Market and go even if your girlfriend changes her plans at the last minute (because that’s how girlfriends sometimes roll!). Crack open your favorite cookbook and cook something yummy for yourself! I’m looking forward to Church on Sunday. The next rodeo. My son’s wedding. The upcoming birth of a grandchild. Holidays. A rainy day. Cooler weather.
What I’m saying is that if you are despondent or feeling low, take a minute and ask yourself “What am I looking forward to?”. If you can’t really think of anything, then it is time to put something in place! If I may go so far as to say this, take responsibility for yourself and do something about it! Call someone you’ve not heard from in a while and make their day. Make plans for an event in the not-too-distant future. I guarantee you’ll end up feeling better!
I hope you know you are loved and recognize how far you’ve come in life. Have a beautiful day!
Love ya! Kathleen